How to Get A Library Card
Visit the library to sign up for a Hazel Mackin Community Library card. Free library cards are available to all Wisconsin residents. Anyone old enough to write their own name may apply for a library card. A parent’s signature is required for anyone under the age of 18. Every library card holder is responsible for returning all borrowed materials in good condition by the due dates shown on the account. Adults are responsible for their children’s check outs.
Visit our library cards page to learn more!
Library Card Benefits
Hazel Mackin Community Library is part of the MORE Library group. You may use your Hazel Mackin Community Library card to borrow materials from any of the 53 participating MORE libraries at www.more.lib.wi.us. You are welcome to visit any of these libraries in person, or search online anytime by using the search icon located at the top of this page or by clicking MORE LIBRARY SEARCH HERE. You may request to have your library materials sent to Hazel Mackin Community Library to be picked up or choose the most convenient library location for your needs.
The MORE library search page also has information on how to download digital materials such as digital magazines, audiobooks, and more, as well providing an abundance of research resources.
Library materials available to borrow include: Fiction and non-fiction books for all ages, Large Print Books, Audio Books, DVD & Blu Ray movies & TV series, magazines, HOTSPOT wi-fi devices, book club kits, puzzles, video games, and more.
Managing Your Library Card Account 24/7
Your library account can always be viewed and managed online anytime by logging in to MORE, (www.more.lib.wi.us) selecting “My Account”, and entering your name and library card number.
You are able to view all items checked out on your card, see due dates, item requests/holds and their status, and renew items. You may also pay fines online.
Download the MORE Libraries app and login with your barcode and pin to access your account easily on your mobile devices.
Library Elf (www.libraryelf.com) can also help you manage multiple accounts in a household.
Or call Hazel Mackin Community Library at 715-749-3849 with any account questions.
Lost Card?
Loan Periods & Fines
*All items (except those noted) may be renewed for another loan period if no one is waiting for the item. Renew online anytime at MORE or call the library at 715-749-3849. Specialty and high demand items have fines. Fines can be paid anytime online with a credit card by accessing your account through MORE. Or, pay fines in person at the library using check or cash only. Credit or debit cards are not accepted.
Books: 3 week loan period
Magazines: 1 week loan period
Audio Books: 3 weeks loan period
DVDs/VHS: 1 week, Series DVD: 3 weeks
Video Games: 1 week, $1.00/day charge until item is returned
High demand LUCKYDAY items must be returned to Hazel Mackin Community Library by due date and may not be renewed or reserved:
LUCKYDAY DVDs: 3 day loan period, $1.00/day charge until item is returned
LUCKYDAY Books: 7 day loan period, .50/day charge until item is returned
HOTSPOT Wi-Fi devices: 14-day loan period, $1.00/day charge until item is returned
Due to high demand, there are no renewals allowed on HOTSPOTS
Library card account holders with fines totaling more than $10.00 will not be able to access library computers or check out more library materials until the account is brought below $10.00.
Copy Machine
Fax Machine
Computer/Internet Access & WiFi
WiFi is available throughout Hazel Mackin Community Library. No password is needed. Wireless printing from your own digital device is not available. However, you can transfer your files onto your own USB portable thumb drive and then plug your USB drive into the printer.
Black & white printouts available for $.10/per page or $.25/per page for full color. The printer is self-service and will accept up to $5.00 bills and make change. Credit cards are not accepted.
Tax Forms
Federal and Wisconsin tax forms are available from January through April 30th in the library lobby. The library does not have control over when these forms arrive and cannot offer any tax advice.
Spanish Language Materials
Use this quick link if you wish to search the MORE Catalog for materials in Spanish. Search Spanish Titles Link
Learn A New Language
Transparent Languages Online
Want to learn or practice Spanish, French, Italian, and other languages through this proven language system, with vocabulary and grammar apps and more! This system is free to all MORE system patrons, so you can start learning today!
There are an enormous amount of languages to choose from! The system includes these features:
- Core Skills Building Activities for listening, speaking, reading, and writing
- Practice Activities work for gaining fluency
- Smart Insight and Review Chart that tracks what you have learned
- Enhanced Capabilities optimized for touchscreen use on iPads® and Android™ tablets, Transparent Language Online works on virtually any Internet-connected device or computer.
Visit Transparent Languages to create your login today
Online Research Resources
Hazel Mackin Community Library is part of the MORE consortium of libraries offering a wide variety of materials and educational resources to assist with your research projects. Click on the icon above to link to the MORE Online Research page and explore the compilation of free websites in the areas of Genealogy, Jobs, Health, Business and more. http://www.more.lib.wi.us/screens/research.html
BadgerLink gives Wisconsin library users access to online licensed content not available through popular search engines. Find magazines, newspapers, scholarly articles, videos, images, music and more. https://badgerlink.dpi.wi.gov/?rdt=badgerlinknet