715-749-3849 | M,W,F 10-6pm, Tu,Th 10-7pm, Sat 10-1pm

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Library Board Meeting Minutes-2020

If you are looking for meeting agendas, starting in July of 2020, they can be found within the library’s blog under the updates category.

Special December 7th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Special Board Meeting Minutes

 Monday, December 7, 2020

4:00 PM


Meeting was called to order by Haugen at 4:00 pm

Members present -Donna Haugen, Jan Manore, Margie Stone, Stephanie Lamia, on-line Katy Kapaun. Leah Feyereisen.

Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda, Stone (2nd Lamia) Carried


New Business
Motion to convene into closed session per Wisconsin State Statute: 19.85(1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility for interviews of library director candidates, Stone (2nd Manore) Carried.

Moved to go out of closed session, Manore (2nd Stone) Carried.

*Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Lamia (2nd Manore), carried.  Meeting adjourned at 4:45.

Respectfully submitted by Jan Manore, Secretary


November 24th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Special Board Meeting Minutes

 Tuesday, November 24, 2020

4:00 PM 

Meeting was called to order by HMCL board president Haugen at 4:00 pm
Members present -Donna Haugen, Jan Manore, on-line Stephanie Lamia, on-line Katy Kapaun.
Members absent: Leah Feyereisen, Margie Stone.
Staff present:  Interm Library Director, Brittany Fahrenkamp
Guests: Peter Tharp


Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda, Manore (2nd Kapaun) Carried

Minutes for Sept 29th meeting – Motion to approve Manore, 2nd Kapaun, carried

Minutes for Oct 27th meeting – Motion to approve Kapaun, 2nd Manore, carried

Minutes for Nov 10th special meeting- Motion to approve Kapaun, 2nd Manore, carried



Fahrenkamp presented the director’s report.  She informed us on many services that are available on-line.



Old Business  Lamia gave an update on the Read-A-Thon.  It will start after Thanksgiving and end after Christmas break.  Mrs Clay, Principle of the SCC Elementary School will help deliver flyers in the students take home packs.   The forms will also be on the library website.


New Business  Fahrenkamp presented curbside pickup hours.  They are whenever the someone is present at the library, which is typically from 10am to 5:30pm.  Patrons just need to call in and setup a time to pick-up.

We discussed rolling over any leftover 2020 budget to be used for hotspots, technology and programs.  Motion by Manore, 2nd Kapaun that the leftover 2020 library budget money to be rolled over into the 2021 library budget for materials, programs, and technology.  Motion carried.

*Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Kapsun (2nd Lamia) Carried.  Meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by Jan Manore, Secretary


Special November 10th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Special Board Meeting Minutes

 Tuesday, November 10, 2020

4:00 PM

Meeting was called to order by Haugen at 4:00 pm

Members present -Donna Haugen, Jan Manore, Margie Stone, Stephanie Lamia, on-line Katy Kapaun.

Members absent: Leah Feyereisen.

Staff present:  Interm Library Director, Brittany Fahrenkamp

Guests: Peter Tharp

Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda, Manore (2nd Lamia) Carried

New Business

Discussion and potential action regarding temporarily reducing library services to curbside pickup only, in regards to the current level of COVID-19 cases in our community, specifically in the school district.

Motion to temporarily close and go to curbside pickup starting Nov13th, 2020, Lamia (2nd Kapaun) Carried.

Motion to convene into closed session per Wisconsin State Statute: 19.85(1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility for interviews of library director candidates, Manore (2nd Lamia) Carried.

We interviewed 4 candidates for this position.  Each candidate was asked the same questions.  After the interviews we discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate.  Three candidates were chosen for in-person interviews.

Stone moved to go out of closed session. 2nd Manore. Motion carried.

Moved to offer two possible dates for in-person interviews:

Tuesday, December 1st 4:30-5, 5:15-5:45, 6-6:30

Tuesday, December 8th  4:30-5, 5:15-5:45, 6-6:30

Candidates are asked to pick the two times that work best for you and then the board will assign an interview time based on the responses from all candidates, Manore  (2nd Stone). Motion carried.

*Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Lamia (2nd Stone) Carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m

Respectfully submitted by Jan Manore, Secretary


October 27th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

 Meeting October 27, 2020

4:30 PM


Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:30 pm

Members present – Jan Manore, Stephanie Lamia (virtually), Leah Feyereisen (virtually) Margie Stone, Donna Haugen, and Katy Kapaun.

Member absent:  Phillips.

Staff present:  Brittany Fahrenkamp

Guests:  Peter Tharp.

Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda by Kapaun, (2nd Manore) Carried.

Approval of Minutes:  Motion to table approval of the 09/29/2020 minutes by Kapaun (2nd Manore) Carried.  Motion to approve the minutes of the 10/13/2020 Special meeting by Stone (2nd Haugen) Carried.

Approval of Financial Report:  No official report was available as Board Member/Treasurer Bobby Phillips has submitted his resignation from the Board.  However, Manore made a verbal report of money collected in the past month.

Directors Report:  Brittany presented the Directors report.


Old Business:

Update on Read-A-Thon – Stephanie met with school staff regarding coordination of our Read-A-Thon in December.  The school is willing to assist with distribution to school families of information for participation.

Carry over of September Business Meeting:

Vote on Alternating Terms of Office: Motion by Stone (2nd Haugen) to alternate terms of officers as follows:  President – 3-year term effective 2020 – 2023

                        Secretary – 2-year term effective 2020 – 2022

                        Treasurer – 1-year term effective 2020 – 2021

Motion Carried.           

     Vote of Open Positions: Motion by Stone to nominate Lamia as President. Lamia Declined.

     Motion by Stone (2nd Lamia) to nominate Haugen as President. Carried

     Motion by Manore (2nd Haugen) to nominate Lamia as Treasurer. Carried

     Motion by Kapaun (2nd Haugen) to accept Manore’s offer to volunteer as Secretary.  Carried

     Vote on possible Vice President position and add historian position to Secretary role:

     Motion to add historian duties to Secretary position by Stone (2nd Lamia) Carried.            

Discuss meeting start time and vote on it:  Discussion regarding meeting start time.  Motion to continue meeting start time at 4:30 p.m. by Manore (2nd Stone) Carried.

Approve and budget changes:  No action

New Business


Discuss when library sees most usage and possible add Saturday hours:  After discussion, no changes to be made at this time.

Present interview questions – Discussed which interview questions to use for Director Zoom interviews.  Any further modifications should be submitted to Kapaun by 11/03/2020.

Set Interview dates: Zoom interviews for the new director will be on 11/10/2020 from 4:30 – 7:00 p.m.  Manore will coordinate scheduling with the applicants.

Items for future meetings:  Replace Phillips on the library board.

Motion to adjourn by Kapaun, (2nd Stone) Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun





Special October 13th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

 Special Meeting October 13, 2020

4:30 PM

Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:30 pm

Members present – Jan Manore, Stephanie Lamia (virtually), Leah Feyereisen (virtually) Margie Stone, Donna Haugen, and Katy Kapaun.

Member absent:  Phillips.

Staff present:  Marilyn Bluemel

Guests:  Peter Tharp.

Approval of Agenda: Agenda modified to include “reconvene into open session, Motion by Kapaun, (2nd Stone) Carried.

New Business


Closed session regarding wages and extended staff hours for library employees:  Motion to convene into closed session by Kapaun, (2nd Stone) Carried.

Reconvene into open session:  Motion to reconvene into open session by Kapaun (2nd Stone) Carried.

2021 Budget Overview and Approval:  Motion by Kapaun, (2nd Stone) to approve the 2021 Budget and include a 2% across the board wage increase for library employees.  Extend hours for staff as follows:  Library Aid/Technology – 23 hours per week, Library Aid/Cataloging – 21 hours per week, and Library Aid – 25 hours per week until New Director is in place. Motion carried.

Marilyn will update the budget worksheet with these adjustments and forward to the Village Clerk.

Decide on which Director Candidates to Interview and how to proceed with interviews:  Reviewed and discussed resumes of Director candidates.  Identified candidates to interview.  Members agreed to prepare questions for initial Zoom interview and establish dates for interviews.  Jan will notify the candidates.

Old Business:

All other business will be addressed at the regularly scheduled Library Board meeting on 10/27/2020.  Members are encouraged to attend the Village Finance meeting on 10/19/2020.

Motion to adjourn by Stone, (2nd Haugen) Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 4:34 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun



Special September 29th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

 Special Meeting Tuesday, September 29, 2020

4:30 PM

Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:39 pm

Members present – Jan Manore, Stephanie Lamia (virtually), Margie Stone, and Katy Kapaun.

Members absent:  Feyereisen and Phillips.

Staff present:  Brittany Fahrenkamp and Marilyn Bluemel

Guests:  Donna Haugen and Peter Tharp.

Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda by Stone, (2nd Kapaun) Carried.

Meeting Minutes:  Motion to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2020 meeting by Manore (2nd Stone) Carried.  Motion to approve the minutes of the August 25, 2020 meeting by Manore (2nd Kapaun) Carried.

Approve the Bills for September: Motion to approve the bills for September by Stone (Manore 2nd) Carried.

Approval of Financial Report:  Motion to approve the Financial Report by Kapaun (2nd Stone) Carried.

Directors Report:  Brittany Fahrenkamp presented the Director’s Report, including circulation report.

Old Business:

Discussion and possible approval of Disaster/Public Safety Policy in HMCL Policies and Procedures:

Margie Stone had distributed the revised policy for review by board members.  Motion to approve by Kapaun (2nd Manore) Carried.

Update on submitting items to Village for WI State Grant to help cover Covid expenses:  Grant has been submitted but no response yet.  Kapaun included projected spending through the remainder of 2020 so staff should continue to keep track of expenses incurred.

Update on Director Hire: Manore gave an update on the progress of applications thus far.  Five applications have been received to-date but the listing is open until 10/10/20.

Discuss meeting start times: Due to poor attendance there was discussion as to whether a different start time would improve attendance?  Meeting time will remain at 4:30 p.m.

Discuss Read-A-Thon:  Discussed when to schedule the _read-A-Thon event.  Lamia is willing to coordinate this.  She will check with the school to see if they are willing to distribute reading logs to students.

New Business


Introduce Donna Haugen as possible Board Member:  Donna introduced herself and expressed her interest in being on the library board.  Her name will be forwarded to the Village President to request her appointment to the Library Board.

Voting on alternating terms in office:  Discussion regarding intent of alternating terms.  Motion by Kapaun (2nd Manore) to table.  Carried.

Add possible vice president and historian position:  Discussion regarding the need for a formal historian to maintain meeting reports, documents, and minutes in a single location.  No action taken.

Vote on Open Positions:  Due to limited attendance at this meeting, Motion to postpone election of officers until our next meeting, and have current officers maintain the office currently held, by Stone (2nd Lamia – Carried.

2021 Budget overview and approval: 

Reviewed proposed 2021 Budget.  Due to the fact that employee wage adjustments are to be done in closed session, members agreed that a Special Meeting will be held on 10/13/2020 to consider wage issues.

Motion to adjourn by Stone, (2nd Manore) Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:42 p.m.

August 25th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

August 25, 2020

4:30 p.m.


The meeting was called to order by President Jan Manore at 4:55 p.m.  Present were Jan Manore, Stephanie Lamia, Bobby Phillips and Margie Stone.  Also in attendance were Brittany Fahrenkamp, staff member, and Peter Tharp, guest.

Stone moved (Manore 2nd) to approve the agenda; approved.

Minutes of the July 28, 2020 meeting were read by Manore.  Stone moved (Lamia 2nd)  to approve; approved.  Minutes of the June 30, 2020 meeting were then read by Manore.  Stone moved (Manore 2nd) to approve; approved.

Fahrenkamp presented a verbal library report for the past month and expressed frustration with  Village of Roberts billing issues pertaining to the Zoom account.  She also reported that the library was doing well given present conditions. 

Bills were then presented and Manore moved (Lamia 2nd) to approve payment; approved.  No financial report was given.

Old business: 

Disaster/Public Safety Policy: Stone asked board members and Fahrenkamp to read the revised and additional information and let Stone know of any changes that need to be made.  Acceptance of the revised Policy and Procedures document is to be voted on at the annual meeting in September.

Covid-19 expenses:  Since the Village Board has not submitted paper work to the state for the Wisconsin Grant to cover Covid-19 expenses, the library board could take no action toward submitting the library expenses.

New business:

Director position criteria:  No further discussion nor action took place.

Director Job Application:  Pay range to be discussed during closed session.  General agreement in discussion that the job needs to be posted quickly.

Appointment of treasurer replacement:   Phillips agreed to be interim treasurer until election of officers takes place at the annual meeting.

Manore read from State Statute 19.85 1 (c): Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  Discussion of Interim Candidate(s) and Interim Wage Rate.

Phillips moved (Lamia 2nd) to convene to closed session at 5:10 p.m.  passed.

Phillips moved (Lamia 2nd) to reconvene open session at 5:20 p.m. passed.

Manore moved (Lamia 2nd) to appoint two co-interim directors, Brittany Fahrenkamp and Marilyn Blumel, to continue current duties until a new director is hired with an increase of $3.00 per hour each beginning August 24 and continuing until an official start date of a new director at which point the pay scale will revert to current pay; passed.

Stone moved (Lamia 2nd) to adjourn; adjourned at 6:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Margie Stone, acting secretary

Special August 11th, 2020 Meeting Approved Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

 Special Meeting Tuesday, August 11, 2020

4:30 PM


Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:45 pm

Members present – Jan Manore, Stephanie Lamia, Margie Stone, and Katy Kapaun (virtually).

Members absent:  Feyereisen, Lane, and Phillips.

Staff present:  Brittany Fahrenkamp

Guests:  John Thompson and Peter Tharp.

Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda by Stone, (2nd Lamia) Carried.

Old Business:

*Concerns about easement for new garage/shed on east end of parking lot. No action taken at this time.

New Business

Approve resignation of Krissa Coleman – Motion by Kapaun (2nd Stone) to accept resignation of Director Krissa Coleman.  Carried.

Work on updating job description for director position – Discussion with John Thompson and the board regarding revisions to the position description for Library Director.  Stone will prepare updated position description.

Update Director Job Requirements – No action taken.

Determine where to advertise director open position – With the assistance of John Thompson, identified several sources to advertise for a new library director.

Motion to adjourn by Kapaun, (2nd Lamia) Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.

*Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Stone (2nd Manore) Carried.  Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary

July 28th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

 Tuesday, July 28, 2020

4:30 PM


Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:30 pm

Members present – Jan Manore, Michelle Lane (Virtually), Stephanie Lamia (virtually) Margie Stone, and Katy Kapaun.

Members absent:  Feyereisen and Phillips.

Staff present:  Brittany Fahrenkamp

Guests:  Joe Moen, X-Cel Energy, Todd Radunzel, Peter Tharpe

Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda, Kapaun (2nd Manore) Carried

Meeting Minutes – Motion to approve the minutes of the July 16, 2020 Meeting. Kapaun (2nd Manore) Carried.  Motion to approve the amended minutes of the June 30, 2020 Meeting.  Manore (2nd Stone) Carried.    

Payment of the bills – May bills were reviewed by Stone and Manore.  Motion to approve payment of the bills, Manore (2nd Stone) Carried

Financial Report – Financial report was not available.  No action taken.

Director’s Report – Presented by Brittany Fahrenkamp.  Of note, materials will be quarantined for 4 days due to contamination living on tested materials longer than anticipated.

Old Business:

Health Emergency Closure policy.  No action.

Covid Grant – Continue to submit expenses to the Village Clerk.

New Business

Todd Radunzel, the owner of the property to the East of the Library parking lot wants to bring electrical power to his garage.  Joe Moen of X-Cel Energy explained the process.  They will first consider running it under the green space but if they cannot, they may need to go under the parking lot.  He is seeking an easement from the Library to run conduit under the parking lot in order to get electricity to that property.  Discussed concerns about safety and potential damage to the concrete and/or geo-thermal mechanical equipment located under the parking lot.  Mr. Moen explained they rely on diggers hotline to locate and avoid any equipment damage.  They can also document the location of the line and photograph the parking lot to show condition before and after the line is installed.  Motion by Stone to allow X-Cel Energy to pursue an easement, providing they provide documentation prior to moving forward with the project. (2nd Manore) Carried.

Future Covid 19 Hours – Discussed extending Thursday hours to 6:30 p.m.  Due to staffing issues not action taken at this time.

Directors Resignation – Director Coleman has submitted her resignation, effective 08/21/2020.  A special meeting will be scheduled for 08/11/2020 to address this, and how to proceed with filling her position.

*Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Stone (2nd Manore) Carried.  Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary


Special July 16th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Emergency Board Meeting

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Minutes of the Meeting

The emergency meeting was called to order by Chair Jan Manore at 4:30 p.m.

In attendance:  Jan Manore, Michelle Lane, and Margie Stone.  Bobby Phillips joined via Zoom. Also present: Brittany Fahrenkamp, acting Library Director, and guest Peter Tharp. 

Stone moved (Lane 2nd) to approve the agenda; approved.

New Business: 

Face masks:  After a good discussion regarding mandatory use of face masks in the physical space of the library, Stone moved (Lane 2nd) “With the exception of those who are medically unable, all library patrons ages 3 and up are required to wear a face mask while in the building until further notice.”  Passed unanimously.

Lane moved (Stone 2nd) to adjourn.  Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Margie Stone, acting secretary.

June 30th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Amended Meeting Minutes

 Tuesday, June 30, 2020

4:30 PM


Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:30 pm

Members present – Jan Manore, Michelle Lane, Leah Feyereisen, Margie Stone, and Katy Kapaun.

Members absent:  Lamia and Phillips.

Staff present:  Brittany Fahrenkamp

Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda, Stone (2nd Lane) Carried

Meeting Minutes – Motion to approve the minutes of the May 26, 2020 Meeting.  Lane (2nd Stone) Carried.    

Payment of the bills – May bills were reviewed by Stone and Manore.  Motion to approve payment of the bills, Manore (2nd Lane) Carried

Financial Report – Financial report presented by Lane.  Motion to approve Financial report by Manore (2nd Stone) Carried.  Discussed annual payment due the Village for the parking lot extension loan.  Lane will process payment to them.

Director’s Report – Presented by Brittany Fahrenkamp. In response to concerns about patron wearing masks, Leah will create a sandwich board in an effort to encourage everyone to wear a mask while in the library.  At this time, we cannot require patrons to wear the masks but would like to make them available and encourage patrons to wear them.  Motion by Stone (2nd Lane) to Authorize Lane to purchase 50 disposable masks to be offered to patrons.  Carried.

Old Business:

Health Emergency Closure policy.  Minor edits discussed.  Stone will prepare a final draft for approval by the board.

New Business

Annual review of Library By-laws and Policies will be needed soon.  Motion by Manore (2nd Lane) to authorize Stone to begin review and revision of the same in preparation for our annual meeting.  Carried.

Covid Grant expenses – Have the library expenses been submitted as part of the municipal grant.

Kapaun will follow up with Village Clerk regarding this question.

Future Covid 19 Hours – It had been anticipated that the library would move into Phase II and expand hours but local data indicates a growing number of Covid cases.  For this reason, motion by Stone (2nd Lane) to continue the Phase I hours until further notice.  Carried.

Medical Leave of Director – No action taken.

*Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Lane (2nd Kapaun) Carried.  Meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary



May 26th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Minutes for meeting 5/26/2020

Roll Call:

Krissa Coleman, Bobby Phillips, Jan Manore, Michelle Lane, Stephanie Lamia, 651-261-5608

Agenda-Approved Michelle first. Second Bobby.

Minutes-Approved & Second.

Bills- Approved Michelle first. Second Jan.

Read a thon update- raised over $330. Checks at the library for Michelle.

Directors report: Curbside pick up started. Drop box open. Curbside pick up is a longer process, but also not as utilized. Latest is 4 pm when people are using it. Consiidering it only 2 times a week, Tuesday’s & Thursday’s.

Summer Reading Program- Brittany has been working on. State is providing funding for the platform! Entire summer reading program will be virtual. Staff training on new program.

Not planning in person programs over the summer.

Krissa- out for surger. Scheduled June 25th. Long recovery. Sorted rolls distributed among staff. Most materials will be pre ordered. Expecting to be out 6-8 weeks.

Health Emergency closing document: to include inclement weather and epidemics. Jan moves to allow Margie to revise this. Michelle second the motion. Passed.

Phase 2: Reopening the library. Reopen to the public June 15th-July 2nd. Hazel Mackin is not ready in the next 2 weeks. Stay home if you are sick, ‘or have been exposed’. Krissa would prefer to check with DPI before considering having people ‘check in’ with name and phone number to track who is coming into the library, not sure if that would be allowed since it is primarily against library core.

+ Social distancing reminders & markers.

+Amount of people allowed related to square footage = 15 people including staff.

+Sneeze Guards at counter, not to be mounted to granite countertops.

+Not using inside drop box at circulation desk. All items will need to be put into the outside drop box.

+Michelle suggested we put library guidelines in the next water bill. Krissa mentioned a charge last time. Michelle suggested is be put on the Village Website. Library board supports the library to put insert into water bill. Library will print and provide insert. Board to check that village cover postage per regular distribution of water bills.

+Masks-highly recommended if you are willing and able. Staff will wear masks when out in the stacks or by public computers. They will not be needed when at the desk behind the sneeze guards. Bobby questions if we should have expectations for the staff to wear masks to help enforce with patrons.

+Computers – every other in use. Difficult to remain 6’ when assisting. May limit staff from assisting on computers.

+Bathroom – close or not. Small children? Have a patrons ask for a key? How to you clean after each use? Or perhaps a cleaning schedule of every 2 hours.

+Cleaning supplies not easily available. Also not provided by village. Uline may be an outlet for things like hand sanitizer.

+Hours- Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10-2pm. One evening a week possible. 2-6 on Thursday.

Phase one – Starts June 15th – July 2. Jan & Michelle move. Passed.


April 28th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4:30 PM

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:34 pm

Members present- Jan Manore, Michelle Lane, Stephanie Lamia, Bobby Phillips, and Katy Kapaun.

Members absent: Stone and Feyereisen.

Staff Present: Library Director, Krissa Coleman

Agenda- Motion to approve the agenda, Lane (2nd Manore) Carried

Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of the March 16, 2020 Emergency Meeting. Lane (2nd Manore) Carried. Motion to approve the minutes of the February 25, 2020 minutes. Manore (2nd Lane) Carried.

Approval of Financial Report- No activity warranting a financial report this month.

Director Coleman present the monthly report via email to members.

Old Business:

Lamia updated the board on the Read-A-Thon fundraiser and participants will be asked to return the reading logs via regular mail.

Director Coleman and library staff have developed a process to begin curbside pickup of library material. Not all libraries are initiating curbside pickup. Material will be limited to what is available in our library as there is no courier service at this time. Patrons will be encouraged to wait 24-72 hours before opening bag. Items will not be due back until early June, depending on the library reopening date. Discussed concerns about getting items returned and sanitizing material upon return. Also discussed the need for cleaning and sanitizing library prior to reopening, and possibly reducing public hours after reopening to facilitate continued cleaning precautions. No action needed.

New Business:

Emergency Health Department Closure Draft-Members were provided a draft of the proposed order for review and action at our next meeting. No action taken.

*Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Kapaun (2nd Lamia) Carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary

Emergency March 16th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Emergency Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 16,2020

Minutes of the Meeting

The emergency meeting was called to order by Chair Jan Manore at 4:25 p.m.

In attendance: Jan Manore, Leah Feyereisen, Michelle Lane, and Margie Stone. Also present: Krissa Coleman, Library Director, and guest Peter Tharp. Stone moved (Land 2nd) to approve the agenda; approved.

New Business:

After a short discussion, Lane moved (Stone 2nd) to close the library beginning March 17, 2020 at the regular closing time until April 6, 2020 (or until the CDC or government entities dictate) at which time the Board will convene to reevaluate the threat of COVID-19 virus. Passed.

Pertaining to circulation and staff concerns, Stone moved (Lane 2nd) to extend all present due dates of materials to April 6, 2020 (or later if deemed necessary) with no late fees, and continue compensation for staff for scheduled work hours; staff will be given assignments that can be accomplished at home. Passed.

Manore adjourned the meeting at 4:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Margie Stone, acting secretary

Special March 10th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

4:30 PM

Special Meeting

Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:30 pm

Members present- Jan Manore, Michelle Lane, Stephanie Lamia, Margie Stone, Bobbie Phillips, Leah Feyereisen, and Katy Kapaun.

Staff present: Library Director, Krissa Coleman

Guest: Peter Tharp

Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda, Lane (2nd Phillips) Carried

Lane and Lamia presented a summary of activities involving the purchase of the property at 106 W Blvd, Roberts, WI (location of existing library), the former library building located at 107 W Main St., Roberts, and Lot 6 on Main St., which is the former Odd Fellows Hall that was donated to the library.

Also shared were documents of the loan agreement between the Village of Roberts and the Library. The load was for the purposed of purchasing the property to the North of the existing library intended to be used for expanded parking. Noted in the review was a $50.00 discrepancy. Lane will follow up on that issue. With this exception, the boared finds no other issues associated with this agreement.

A spreadsheet reflecting a comparison with the library budget and spending records with the Village audit was also shared and reviewed. There are several issues that will need to be addressed as the numbers do not match library records. A workgroup was formed (Manore, Kapaun, and Lane) To meet with Village staff to review questions and obtain any needed clarifications of corrections, specifically accurate carry over money from year to year should not be applied to outstanding debt to the Village and how to handle the difference between the amount the Village advanced to the construction project (125,000.00) and the sale of the property (107 W Main St) that was used as a basis for the amount advanced. Katy will contact the Village Clerk to schedule this meeting.

Lamia departed the meeting at 5:20

*Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Lane (2nd Phillips) Carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary

February 25th, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Library Archive History Room

Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:30 pm

Members present – Jan Manore, Margie Stone, Michelle Lane, Stephanie Lamia, and Katy Kapaun.

Members absent: Phillips and Feyereisen.

Staff present: Library Director, Krissa Coleman

Guests: Peter Tharp

Agenda- Motion to approve the agenda, Stone (2nd Manore) Carried

Meeting Minutes- Motion to amend the minutes of the November 26th, 2019 meeting to state we passed the Director’s revised budget in November. Manore (2nd Lamia) Carried

Payment of the bills- Motion to approve payment of the bills, specifying that the invoice from Comforts by Design in the amount of $13,620 is to be paid by the Village. Stone (2nd Manore) Carried.

Approval of Financial Report- Due to a technical difficulty, Motion to table the Financial report by Kapaun (2nd Stone) Carried. Upon resolution of the problem, the report was presented. Motion to approve the financial report by Manore (2nd Kapaun) Carried.

Director Coleman present the monthly report.

Old Business:

Lamia updated the board on the Read-a-Thon Fundraiser, scheduled to launch on 03/02/2020.

New Business:

Discussion regarding the library parking lot and building debt and Lane’s request to pursue legal advice. No action taken.

New Picture of Library Board-No action taken.

*Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Kapaun (2nd Lamia) Carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:49 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary