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Library Board Meeting Minutes-2019

This page is a work in progress. We thank you for your patience as we gather and

post meeting minutes from the past.

If you are looking for meeting agendas, starting in July of 2020, they can be found within the library’s blog under the updates category.

October 29th, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 29th, 2019

4:30 PM

Library Archive History Room

Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:30 pm

Members present- Jan Manore, Margie Stone, Michelle Lane, Stephanie Lamia, Bobby Phillips, and Katy Kapaun.

Staff present: Library Director, Krissa Coleman

Guests: Peter Tharp

Agenda- Motion to approve the agenda, Stone (2nd Lane) Carried

Meeting Minutes- Motion to approve the minutes of the September 9th, 2019 meeting by, Kapaun (2nd Manore) Carried. Motion to approve the minutes of the 09/24/2019 meeting by, Manore (Lane 2nd) Carried

Payment of the bills-Motion to approve payment of the bills by Stone (2nd Lane) Carried

Approval of Financial Report-Motion to approve Financial report by Kapaun (2nd Lamia) Carried.

Director Coleman present the monthly report.

Old Business:

Discussion regarding meat raffle fundraiser at the Sidetrack. Event will be held at the Sidetrack Saloon on 11/3/2019 at 2:00 p.m. Katy will obtain the meat from R &J Meats, who offer a 10% discount on the purchase, which is being paid from library treasury and a donation from Margie Stone.

New Business:

Discussion on Trustee Training- Those who attended agreed the training was beneficial and generated a lot of good ideas, including the need for a Friends of the Library group. Lamia is willing to spearhead an effort to determine if there is enough interest in starting such a group locally. Also discussed the benefit of a survey model for annual Director evaluation. Each Board member will develop 2 questions to include in the survey.

Discussion on Read a Thon Fundraiser- Board would like to launch this in conjunction with the holidays. Lamia will develop a platform for garnering pledges.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Lane (2nd by Manore Lamia) Carried. Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary

September 24th, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, September 24th, 2019

4:30 PM

Library Archive History Room

Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:30 pm

Members present- Jan Manore, Margie Stone, Michelle Lane, Stephanie Lamia, Bobby Phillips, and Katy Kapaun.

Staff present: Library Director, Krissa Coleman

Guests: Peter Tharp

Agenda- Motion to approve the agenda, Stone (2nd Lane) Carried

Meeting Minutes-Motion to approve the minutes of the August 27th, 2019 meeting by, Lane (2nd Manore) Carried.

Payment of the bills- Motion to approve payment of the bills by Manore (2nd Stone) Carried

Approval of Financial Report- Motion to approve Financial report by Kapaun (2nd Lamia) Carried.

Director Coleman present the monthly report.

Old Business:

Discussion regarding meat raffle fundraiser at the Sidetrack. The Board agreed that the event will be at the Sidestrack Saloon on 11/3/2019 at 2 p.m. Katy will arrange to obtain the meat through donation or purchase.

New photo of the Library Board- All members were present, so photo was taken.

New business:

Discussion regarding terms of officers and adding a Library Board Vice President, who would succeed the outgoing President in order to maintain continuity. Agreed to address this at the 2020 Annual meeting.

Discussion and Action regarding Library By-Laws Policies and Procedures- Presented, discussed and approved the following:

Officer Terms- Motion by Phillips (2nd Stone) that Officer terms are affirmed as 2-year terms. Carried.

Launch Pad Lending Policy- Motion by Kapaun (2nd Lane) to approve policy as presented by Director Coleman. Carried.

St. Croix Central Student ID Cards-Revised policy to allow students to use their student ID number, rather than student card to borrow library materials. Motion by Kapaun (2nd Stone) Carried.

Inclement Weather Policy- Motion by Lane (2nd Manore) that in the event of library closure due to inclement weather, part time staff will be given the opportunity to make up any missed hours within the pay period. Carried.

Discussion on Trustee Training Scheduled on 10/24/2019 at 6 p.m.- Trustees are encouraged to attend. No action taken.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Stone (2nd Lamia) Carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:54

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary

Special September 9th, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

Village of Roberts Special Board Meeting

With Hazel Mackin Library

September 9, 2019

The Roberts Special Village Board Meeting with the Hazel Mackin Library was called to order by Village President Moeri at 6:30pm.

The meeting was properly noticed on the Village website and posted in three locations in the Village of Roberts.

Village Board Members Present: Chuck Pizzi, Katy Kapaun, Rand Waughtal, Willard Moeri, Mary Shemon, Cheryl Johnson, and Chad Svacina

Village Board Members Absent: None

Hazel Mackin Library Board Members Present: Jan Manore, Bobby Phillips, Michelle Lane, and Katy Kapaun

Guest: Krissa Coleman and Peter Tharp

Discussion/approval regarding the replacement options for the heating system at the Hazel Mackin Library

There are three bids that were presented. Bids were from Boldt’s Plumbing & Heating for $17,700, Countryside Plumbing for $17, 975, and Comfort by Design for $13, 620. Comfort by Design came in the lowest at $13, 620.00. Moeri asked if these were apples for apples comparisons and Coleman said that yes, it should be. Kapaun added that this was discussed last time and this needs to be done for heat. Johnson appreciates that there were bids for comparison and that we took the time to get these bids. Manore stated that she was at the last meeting and is comfortable with their work. Manore thought that this money was going to come from the general fund of the Village since that was discussed at the last meeting.

Move to accept the proposal by Comforts by Design for $13.620.00 by Kapaun, seconded by Michele Lane if the money is coming from the general fund to cover the cost. Motion carried.

Dull asked for clarification on what the Audior’s should know regarding the payback of this item. It is the intent of the Village to cover this with no payback from the Library.

Motion to accept the recommendation from the Library Board to use Comfort by Design for the replacement of heat pump #9 in the amount of $13, 620 with no repayment from the Library board by Johnson, seconded by Kapaun. Motion carried. Roll call-Roll call: Pizzi-Aye, Kapaun-Aye, Svacina-Aye, Moeri-Aye, Shemon-Aye, Johnson-Aye, Waughtal-Aye. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn the special meeting at 6:40 pm by Pizzi, seconded by Kapaun. Motion carried.

Megan Dull

Village Clerk

August 27th, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Communty Library

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019

4:30 PM

Library Archive History Room

Meeting was called to order by Manore at 4:47 pm

Members present: Jan Manore, Margie Stone, Stephanie Lamia, and Katy Kapaun.

Staff present: Library Director, Krissa Coleman

Guests: Peter Tharp

Agenda-Motion to approve the agenda, Stone (2nd Kapaun) Carried

Meeting Minutes- Motion to approve the minutes of the July 8th, 2019 meeting by, Stone (2nd Kapaun) Carried. Motion to approve the minutes for the July 30th, 2019 meeting by Stone (2nd Manore) Carried.

Payment of the bills- Motion to approve payment of the bills by Kapaun (2nd Stone) Carried

Financial Report-Financial report was unavailable for this meeting. Postponed to September.

Director Coleman present the monthly report.

Old Business:

Discussion regarding update information from the auditor’s report: Discussion regarding the 10-year audit results. Katy will follow up with the Village to get copies of the published budget to the auditor for conclusion and possible updates.

Discussion regarding fundraiser at the Sidetrack. The Library Board plans to host a meat raffle in conjunction with other activities at the Sidetrack. Katy will follow up with the owners to discuss possible dates.

Discussion and possible action regarding park lot by the railroad tracks: Stephanie reported on how the property valuation process is done. There may be interest by a local entity in acquiring the property.

New Business:

Discussion on possible action on preliminary 2020 library operation budget and first Finance meeting: Director Coleman provided proposed budget that will be present to the Finance Committee at their first meeting on 09/16/2019.

Roll Call Vote to go into Closed Session Per WI Section 19:85 (1) (C): Stone, yes. Manore, Yes. Lamia, Yes. Kapaun, Yes.

Roll Call Vote to reconvene into open session: Stone, yes. Manore, Yes. Lamia, Yes. Kapaun, Yes. Motion by Stone, (2nd Lamia) to accept the proposed wage increases as follows:

            Library Director-22.29 hourly

            Youth Services Director-16.33 hourly

            Library Aide- 13.00 hourly

            Cleaning Position- 17.22 hourly

            Technology Aide-14.50 hourly

            Library Aide- 14.00 hourly

            Library Aide- 13.00 hourly

Motion to Adjourn: Kapaun (Stone 2nd) Meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Phillips (2nd Stone) Carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:47

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary

Special July 30th, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

Village of Roberts Special Board Meeting

With Hazel Mackin Library Board

July 30, 2019

The Village of Roberts Special Meeting with the Hazel Mackin Library was called to order at 6:30 PM By Village President Willard Moeri.

Village Board Present: Chuck Pizzi, Katy Kapaun, Mary Shemon, Willard Moeri, Cheryl Johnson, Chad Svacina

Library Board Present: Jan Manore, Michelle Lane, and Bobby Phillips

Guest: Peter Tharp, Krissa Coleman

Discussion/approval regarding the Geothermal Heating System Issues and Options at the Hazel Mackin Library with Comforts by Design:

Discussed the current geothermal system at the library. Krissa had sent over the list of repairs since the system was installed. The current system has had numerous repairs including a compressor replaced which both compressors are currently out again. This system was put in approximately 10 years ago and is a good system but we have had issues since it has been installed. It is time to decide if we are going to keep putting money into repairs or if we should replace the system with a new geothermal system or a natural gas unit.

The water to water system is currently down and we can spend $6,000 to repair this again or replace this unit with a new system. This would either be repair current, replace with new geothermal, or natural gas system. Estimate #31525 which would repair what is currently broken in the amount of $5,917.16. Replacing with a brand new unit would be estimate #35445 in the amount of $20,830 which would be a new geothermal unit. This would fix the in-floor heat unit. Estimate #35441 would be for taking out the geothermal unit and converting to natural gas. The amount of this estimate is $13,620. This is the main heat source for the library. This is the most comfortable way to heat the building. If we were to replace the current system with forced air, this would be expected to last approximately 15 years. Comforts by Design is recommending not replacing this unit but to either replace the current unit with a new unit or to change to natural gas. Moeri asked if we got a lemon with the first system. This is an efficient system but there are differences in them and we have had more share of trouble with our unit. Kapaun added that right now we have a money pit with our current system and thinks we should convert to natural gas. This leaves the library without heat. Shemon asked about air conditioning for the library and the library has nine systems which is over engineered. Water to water does the bulk of the heating and the other units do the cooling. Not matter what option is picked the ground loop problem is still there. Again, if we continue to service the system we should be find going forward. Ground loop has been an issue since 2011 when the system first locked up. Geothermal is more efficient by about 10% over natural gas for the heating side but more efficient on the cooling side. This could cause the natural gas bill to increase by 10% in the winter time. Moeri asked where we are going to get the money from to pay for this?

There are still two other units that are down that do cooling to the southside of the building. If you wanted to switch to natural gas. This means that we would have to add gas lines into the basement. One unit has a leaky air coil and the other has a control board that is out. These were lumped together in estimate #35484 for $5,116 which would repair both of these units. Comforts by Design recommends fixing the control board for $749.00 which will get the unit back up and running. Then the third unit that is down has an air coil that is leaking. This would be approximately $4,000 to fix this (line item 1,2,3, &5).

There are two other estimates if we did not want to repair the estimates which would cost $13,140 each for the systems in the basement. Comforts is recommending that we repair the two systems in the basement since they have not caused issues before.

There are three units and two estimates that we need to be concerned about at this time.

Moeri asked about money and if the outlay fund is available to cover the repair bill and there are funds to be used. Kapaun asked with a purchase this expensive if this should go out for bid. Johnson agrees that this should be put out for bid. Coleman added that not everyone is comfortable with how our building is setup. This is because of the knowledge and comfort that they offer. Comforts asked about natural gas to the building and this would be the library’s responsibility to have this set up. The bids are good normally for 30 days but this would not increase unless parts go up.

Recommend that we accept estimate #35484 for $5,116 for repair and maintenance to be paid from the $6,000 contingency fund by Kapaun, seconded by Lane. Motion carried.

Motion to accept the recommendation of the Library Board for estimate #35484 for $5,116 to repair the geothermal from the contingency fund by Kapaun, seconded by Svacina. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn at 7:00 by Pizzi, seconded by Shemon. Motion carried.

Megan Dull

Village Clerk

April 30th, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President Jan Manore.

Members present: Jan Manore, Margie Stone, Stephanie Lamia, Michelle Lane, and Katy Kapaun. Absent: Bobbie Phillips. Also present: Krissa Coleman, Director, and guest Peter Tharp.

Lane moved (Lamia 2nd) to approved the agenda; approved.

Lane moved (Lamia 2nd) to approve the minutes from the last meeting; approved.

Stone moved (Manore 2nd) to approve the bills for payment; approved.

Kapaun moved (Lamia 2nd) to approve the financial report; approved. Discussion followed regarding payment due to the Village of Roberts in June as well as anticipated larger payment/how the money should be used. Issue will be placed on the May 2019, meeting agenda.

Old business: Good Neighbor Days: Katy will be available to assist at the dessert table. We have permission to sell beverages at the car show and Lane and Lamia will take charge of that. They will also check possibility of getting coffee donated. Kapaun and Stone will get cookies to sell at that event.

Discussion was held on the upcoming reading pledge drive. The date for the “Touch-A-Truck” event will be July 17, 2019, and a meat raffle will be held during the upcoming football season.

Secretary Kapaun left the meeting. Stone continued for her.

New Business: After a discussion on library closure during inclement weather, Stone moved (Manore 2nd) to place the following statement in the Board’s Policies and Procedures:

“In the event of inclement weather, the decision for full closing, delay opening, or early closing will be made by the Library Director and the Library Board President. A second Board member will be contacted if the Director and the Board President are in disagreement. Closing decisions will be posted on the Library Website and appropriate social media sites. The Director will notify affected staff members.” Motion passed.

After further discussion regarding staff compensation for such closings, the board agreed to table further decisions until our May meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Margie Stone, acting secretary

March 26th, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

4:30 PM

Library Archive History Room

Meeting was called to order by President Jan Manore

Members present: Jan Manore, Stephanie Lamia, Michelle Lane, and Katy Kapaun

Staff present: Library Director, Krissa Coleman

Guests: Peter Tharp

Agenda- Motion to approve the agenda, Stone (2nd Lane) Carried

February 2019 Meeting Minutes-Motion to approve the minutes by, Lane (2nd Manore) Carried

Payment of the bills-Motion to approve payment for January 2019, Stone (2nd Manore) Carried

Financial Report- Financial report was unavailable this month. Director Coleman had spoken with Treasurer, Bobby Phillips who verbally reported little activity. No action taken.

Director Coleman present the monthly report.

Old Business:

General discussion regarding possible fundraising activities. No action taken.

New Business:

Discussion on audit reports-spreadsheet handout shared with board members. No action taken as additional questions arose regarding the audit report.

Discussion regarding parking lot expansion grant applications-No information to share at this time. No action taken.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Lane (2nd Lamia) Carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:34

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary

February 26th, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 26th, 2019

Library Archive History Room

Meeting was called to order by President Jan Manore

Members present: Jan Manore, Stephanie Lamia, Michelle Lane, Bobby Phillips, and Katy Kapaun

Staff present: Library Director, Krissa Coleman

Guests: Peter Tharp

Agenda- Motion to approve the agenda, Kapaun (2nd Lane) Carried

January 2019 Meeting Minutes- Motion to approve the minutes by, Lane (2nd Manore) Carried

Payment of the bills- Motion to approve payment for January 2019, Manore (2nd Lamia) Carried

Financial Report- Motion to approve Financial Report, Kapaun (2nd Lane) Carried

Director Coleman present the monthly report.

Old Business:

Discussion and possible action for use of 2019 carryover funds for 2019- Motion to table by Kapaun (2nd Lane) Carried.

Discussion and action for treasurer position replacement. Board member Pete Nusbaum has resigned from the board, creating vacancy for board treasurer. Nomination of Michelle Lane, by Manore (2nd Lamia) Carried.

Discussion of Library Board Goals for 2019-Primary goal is focused on paying off the parking lot expansion loan. Discussion followed regarding several fundraising options.

Roll call vote to convene into closed session: Motion to convene into closed session by Kapaun (2nd Phillips) Ayes: Manore, Phillips, Lamia, Lane, and Kapaun

Reconvened into open session: Motion by Kapaun (2nd Lane) Carried.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Phillips (2nd Lane) Carried.

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary

January 29th, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

Hazel Mackin Community Library

Meeting Minutes

 Meeting January 29, 2019

4:30 PM

Meeting was called to order by President Jan Manore

Members present Jan Manore, Margie Stone, Stephanie Lamia, Katy Kapaun.

Staff present: Library Director, Krissa Coleman

Guests: None

Agenda-Motion to approve the agenda, Stone (2nd Kapaun) Carried

November 2018 Meeting Minutes- Amend minutes to reflect that Margie Stone was present during the November meeting. Motion to approve the minutes with that correction by, Stone (2nd Manore) Carried

Financial Report- Motion to approve Financial Report, Kapaun (2nd Stone) Carried

Director Coleman present the monthly report

Old Business: None

New Business:

*Discussion and possible action for 2018 Carryover funds for 2019 fiscal year, including summer employments and general operation. Director Coleman is awaiting additional information before we act on this item. Motion to table by Kapaun (2nd by Stone) Carried

*Discussion and possible action on carryover funds prior to 2017: The Village, nor did the Library Board officially act on any carryover of funds on behalf of the library. Motion to move $18,717.92 of carryover from 2016 and 2017 to the parking lot expansion loan payment by Manore (2nd by Stone) Carried.

*Discussion for goals for 2019- Postponed pending full board attendance to discuss goals.

*Roll call vote for Closed Session: Motion to table by Stone (2nd by Manore) Carried.

*Library Board Picture for Website-Motion to table by Stone (2nd Kapaun) Carried.

Adjournment- Meeting adjourned-Motion Stone (2nd Manore) Carried

Respectfully submitted by Katy Kapaun, Secretary