Starting April 24th 2023, the HMCL will no longer be collecting fines on the majority of items. Fines will still be charged for a few specialty items (hotspots, lucky day materials, video games, and equipment). Card holders are still required to return items. Any item kept 28 days past the due date will result in a replacement cost.
How many MORE libraries are fine free?
48 of the 52 libraries in MORE are currently fine free.
Why are you getting rid of overdue fines?
Our goal is to encourage everyone to use the library and remove as many barriers to access as possible.
What will happen to past fines?
All existing overdue fines will be waived.
How does this affect the library’s budget?
Fines are not factored into the library’s operating budget each year. It is basically seen as “extra” money. Last year, the amount of money collected from fines was less than .5% of the total operating budget.
Can I keep a book as long as I want?
No, regular due dates still apply. If an item is kept longer than 28 days it will be considered lost and a replacement charge will be applied to your account.